Mr. Robertson’s unique background in standardized test preparation, college and life counseling, and writing and editing give him the ideal skill set to guide students to top-tier colleges and success beyond. Mr. Robertson himself is a product of these prestigious universities, holding degrees in religion from Northwestern University (B.A.) and the Claremont Colleges (M.Div.), as well as a degree in anthropology from the University of Chicago (M.A.), which houses the #1 anthropology program in the nation. An elite test-taker himself, Mr. Robertson has also received professional training as a teacher of standardized tests and boasts seven years of experience teaching the SAT and GRE. Mr. Robertson’s students thrive; his SAT students boost their scores by an average of more than 200 points and notable success stories include several perfect 2400s as well as score increases of up to 800. In his work as a college counselor and essay adviser, Mr. Robertson has guided students to essentially every top program in the nation; his students have gone on to Stanford, Northwestern, Vassar, Harvard, Wellesley, Columbia, Penn, Princeton, UChicago, Amherst, Dartmouth, Swarthmore, and many more. He’s helped graduate students earn admission in programs from MBA at M.I.T. and Pharmacy at Michigan to Ph.D. programs at Columbia and Emory. Mr. Robertson’s professional memberships include NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling), IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association), and MACAC (Minnesota Association for College Admission Counseling), where he serves on the Admissions Practices committee and the Inclusion, Access, and Success committee.
Mr. Robertson limits himself to working with a small number of select students, ensuring a personal working relationship from start to finish.
• The University of Chicago, M.A. – December 2008
• Claremont School of Theology, M.Div. – May 2007
• Northwestern University, B.A. – June 2003
• Six years guiding roughly 400 students to their dream schools
• Three years as Chief Editor of a leading college application company
• Four years as undergraduate admissions interviewer for UChicago and Northwestern
• Eight years teaching SAT and GRE standardized tests
• Informal editing of three novels, including two New York Times bestsellers
Of Mr. Robertson’s qualified students (3.8 GPA + 2250 SAT I applying to 10 or more schools):
• 81.8% have been accepted by a Top 10 US News school
• 100% have been accepted by a Top 15 US News school